Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Time, a precious gift. And yet..........

I am still unsure of blogging. Not that I feel like I’m already slacking in committing, but more- what it “is” or how I’ll go about doing it properly.  Silly, I know.  However, I’ve thought of it a lot since my initial post, thinking of things such as, “I’ll do it once a week” or “Maybe I’ll try to be topical”.  It started to feel rehearsed a bit in my heart, and that’s never quite how I’ve ever written.  So, I’ll just do what I’ve always done…wait til something eats at me a bit and let the banging on keys commence.  Honestly, when something starts to eat at me, it usually starts banging in my head for awhile first!

And today, I’ve been chewing on a lot, mostly me.  Today was not the best version of the me I like very much.  Oh, don’t worry I’m not about to dive in to any sort of rhetoric of the poor me’s, help me’s, or depressed me, or the only if it was this way me’s.  And please, no…I don’t need to love myself more, I love myself plenty.  If I hear one more person or post or antidote about loving oneself more…never mind, I don’t wanna venture down that street tonight, that’s not what I’m writing about here.

I’m writing about time.  Time, oh wasted time, and the version of myself that needs a kick.  I did soooooo little today and not in a good way.  In a way, I find myself doing too much of the nothing.  Ok, I did plenty of the busy stuff.  I cleaned (not scrubbed spotless) but hey, it’s pretty clean enough.  I did some laundry, dishes and vacuumed all the floors.  I fed, clothes, changed diapers, potty trained, played and played and played.  So, it was a busy-ish day, but yet I did soooooo little today.  At times I watched too much tv and barely moved.  I didn’t get dressed today or shower (yes, I’m admitting this), but I did brush my teeth twice.  (I may have forgotten to put on deodorant, but no one complained and I truly can’t remember). I could ask for the typical response and endlessly clichés of “mother’s work is never done” or “Hey, its okay to have an off day. You deserve it.”  But that doesn’t help me, it just excuses me and what I don’t need is any of that anymore, I provided myself with lots of that last year.  Again, I’m not going down that road tonight either. Last year was hell, frankly.  And that’ll be another blog about being new to the stay at home mommy world, going through the actual terrible two’s and having a very sick preemie baby.  YEAH, that’s a freakin book.  No, tonight is about time.

I’ve been burdened a lot lately about my use of time.  I think it really is a case of not know what the heck to do with myself.  Last year was hard, I had to get through it and now I am.  I worked pretty steadily part time for a bout a year now and that helped me.  I need to work some, it’s just in me.  So staying at home has a trillion blessings, but none of the actual day to day stuff comes very easily to me.  I am a social person, I am a working person, I am a hyper person.  Staying at home, for someone like me and raising little ones, it’s darn hard.  I go nuts sometimes and feel isolated.  I bore easily and become bitter and even snappy to angry.  I run out of busy work and then fall into terrible routines of “making time pass”, tv being the largest culprit.  I’m committed to staying home until the boys are school age, because in the thick of me struggling are the greatest moments my heart has ever experienced.  Being my boys teacher in every respect, being there for all the precious moments, being the one that holds them, kisses them, reads to them, has silly games with them, no amount of bad me moments can steal that joy from me.  The hard months of making ends meet, the living in a small home, driving an old car, making budget wise decision is worth it.  And even the worst version of the lazy days of me doing nothing doesn’t send me down a road of “I need to get out of this house, like NOW!.”  No, it does something else to me.  It re-commits me to my choices and how to make it work.  God pounds on my heart on days like today.  Oh I hear him, I may ignore him, but yeah, I hear him.
“So, you’re on your couch, huh?  Nice, so…..yeah, 3 episodes of Finding Bigfoot, and did you happen to read any of my word today?”
“Water, soap, scrubbing…..ok, how about just a change of cloth?”
Oh and the worst and I don’t want to admit it, but I will, “So, that’s not discipline, that’s just anger.  How about YOU go take a time out?”

Yep, time Jen, speaking of God’s precious gifts. Time.  There’s not enough time in a day, a week or a month, right? That’s what we all say.  I dare say there is.  There’s plenty of time to do what needs to be done.  There’s time for raising of children, work and there’s time for you.  There’s time to find yourself again and not dive down any silly rabbit holes of nothing and excuses.  There’s time for finding the art and joy in writing, drawing and simply doing something in the nothing; like reading, walking and exploring His world.  I recently lost someone so close to me and what he was definitely is eating at my heart.  My grandfather was not a waster of time.  He excelled at using his time wisely and in that he created such beauty.  In me lays the same gifts of creating beauty, what an ugly thing I do to his legacy when I waste what he has taught me away and watch that terrible box.

So, what can my blog be? Well, lots of things for sure. So, what about some accountability?  What about keeping me on my toes about how I want to change my time to not whining about “ohhh…I did it again!”

I wrote the following two poems a few years ago and reading them just slammed me.  I’m still struggling with the same struggles! 

Yeah, no excuses, Jen; God says, “Move”. So I will move. (Besides, really, you smell a bit and really don’t be that person.)

The Moment
Movements that make small waves
This is how it marches through
You speak a word
You take a step
You go somewhere
You do something

This is a day,

They all are so small, every second; it’s just a stroke of my hand this way or that way

It’s the billionth second that I cocked my head to the side and looked up

It the was the billionth and half second I opened my month to say something

There are endless moments of literal stillness and staring nowhere particular

And the day ends

I could be describing trivial-ness

Monotonous and ordinary, small this and small that, that’s life
            It’s how it marches

I could be describing life as dull and useless, because of all the smallness and naming every movement after a second of existence

But every second does have a name

There was the second you said you loved me

There was that breath in and he said “I do”, and I breathed out again

There was the movement of me walking into the hospital room and seeing my small son for the first time.
            Holding his tiny, trembling body

There are the thousands of touches between me and the world and that made me feel love

Millions of milliseconds of a tear falling because at that precious moment I felt everything I could possible feel in a single instant of life

There was the gesture two years ago
            It was maybe the millionth second of my life; I was bowed on my floor
and cried out,
Forgive me!

And in that moment, my life changed its course forever.

Movements can seem small, but the small step on any particular day in your life could be a memory you’ll live with for eternity.

Despite Myself
It’s been so quiet lately
And I’ve cleaned up again
Not enough, but as much as I’m gonna today
            Well, maybe I’ll do the floor

                        They’re always nasty

My TV been running too much
            I’ve been trying to turn it off, and turn the music on

I’ve been trying lately
Trying to find greatness in a house I’ve spent too much time in lately

I’ve been looking for gratefulness, because there are days I’ve run empty and I’m digging through my purse looking for two coins to make through the week

Being human can be such a dumb thing sometimes

Everything meaningful has been said, and there’s so much realness in the cliché,
            I want to write them, but they’ve been said a thousand times

Life is so precious, how dare I be bored

Our senses could explode, how do I stare at yet another toilet paper commercial

God is so grand; creation is so beyond comprehension, taken out of context it can breed disbelief

Whatever makes the day pass, whatever makes easy easier

Whatever makes us so happy, sin isn’t sin, if it pleasing . . .  right? If its feels good, do it

Funny though, the moment we’re pleased, the moment the pleasure has past, we get busy sweeping the self contempt and loathing under the carpet

Humans are master justificators, that’s my word.  I just made it up

I find it hard in these little rants of mine to find the reason why God loves us.

I find it hard to fathom, why he gave us beauty or forgiveness or free will

I spend so much time wasting around, wasting time, wasting life

I spend a lot of energy on my excuses, and I watch too much TV

Really I spend too much time being hypocritical and judgmental
All the while serving a God I truly love

I spend a lot of time wondering why my life isn’t better, huh…it really quite despicable.  Not my life, but my wasted time.

I did clean my house today, and I hear my little boy.
            He just woke up from a nap.

He’s about to make all sorts of messes and do all sorts of things that will frustrate me,
            And yet, he’s about to bring me utter joy.

And this is why God loves.

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