Monday, August 11, 2014

Loving Zachie

Feeling nostalgic this evening, as all parents do when they little people have yet another birthday.  It is hard not to flip through the pictures, maybe a journal or just looking at them and wonder how to slow down time a bit.  Zachary has just had his 4th birthday, while that is still years away from him marching out the door to lead his own life- I am no fool to how fast time can fly.  It took a blink of an eye for four years to get here, how quickly will all this feel in 14 years!

I made my little guy a book to introduce to him the idea he is adopted.  There will be NO stigma in this house about "the adoptive child".  Adoption and birth to me are one in the same. It is a new life coming into a family bringing in new love, challenges and joy.  I will talk with utter love and openness about his adoption as I would about the day Isaac came into the world.  To me, there is no difference. God loved them both and answered our prayers for making us a family.  If you'd like to read the book, just click "Loving Zachie" and let me know what you think.  I've already printed it and had it shipped, so yes! I know there's a typo- it just authenticates it was done by Mommy!

I thought I'd share the book and a link that I love looking back at time to time.  For the day that Zachie was adopted was news worthy! Can you figure out which guy is our little guy?!

I won't pretend getting involved with DHHS, adoption or opening your home to help a child in whatever capacity is easy or for everyone.  That's just too simple of a statement.  It's darn hard.  It can be scary on many levels.  You may question your ability to love properly, to financially get through it, you may be torn about your level of attachment and handling it.  You may look at your home and think its too small or not accommodating.  For that matter, you maybe very comfortable and very set in your routines and frankly, you're not sure you can give that luxury up.  You may even think its not worth it, you can't help or fix "these" (and boy do I hate that term) children, "these" children are beyond help and you can't take on the risk.

There are validation in these thoughts, fears and situations.  But there's also a major problem- many of the reasons (not all, but many!) are harbored in selfishness.  I'm sorry to say that, but its simply the truth.  It's usually a hard thing to look at but it comes down to what "YOU" feel about the situation and how you don't want the hard stuff to effect you.  I can't work on that for you, only God can soften you or work that out for you and your family.  And yes, this is truly not for everyone- and that's ok; however, there are too many people not willing to get uncomfortable.  There are too many people looking the other way. There are too many people too uninformed.

And there are so very few people taking these children in.

"These" children are just children.  Look at your own child- think of them born drug addicted. Look at your own child and imagine abuse, neglect, underfed, passed around and simply feeling forgotten.  Think of your own child as any child simply needing what you give them.  And think of of how many are out there and how few help because fill in the blank.

I hate to get preachy on this, but its worth getting preachy on it from time to time- if a few hearts that have been questioning it- suddenly decide maybe its worth exploring.  I look at my Zachie, and think of the heartache and scared nights, and I'd do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.  I didn't need to work on my fears, God handle those.  We just had to be blessed at the privilege of Loving Zachie!